Jalore: In a tragic incident, three labourers were killed and another was injured after a wall collapsed on them in Rajasthan’s Jalore, the police said on Thursday. The incident took place during excavation work for the construction of a government school in the Sayla area of the Jalore district, Rajasthan, on Wednesday, they said.
The deceased have been identified as Mohanlal, the son of Ratnaram Jat of Lalji Dungri, Vimaram, the son of Chenaram Jat of Kangau, Barmer, and Bhairaram, the son of Bhuraram Rao of Dhanau. The injured was identified as Jagdish, the son of Bhuraram Rao, also from Dhanau, and he is undergoing treatment, the police said.
Following the incident, locals gathered at the site, and they informed the police. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot. Sayla police station officer Mahendra Singh, along with the help of locals, retrieved the bodies from the debris and sent them to the hospital mortuary for post-mortem.
Singh said that the excavation work was going on at the Poshan Government School for the construction when the wall collapsed. The families of the deceased have been informed, and the bodies will be handed over to them after conducting the post-mortem. The police are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the collapse.
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