Guna: Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Sunday interacted with BJP workers in Madhya Pradesh's Guna, from where has been fielded by the party for the Lok Sabha polls. He asked them to focus on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision to make India a "vishwa guru" (world leader) by 2047, when 100 years of Independence will be celebrated, and tell people about the massive strides the country has taken in the last 10 years.
"Modi's Amrit Kaal dream 2047 is to make the country a vishwa guru. His dream is to make the country an economic power of the world. Under his leadership, our economy has become the fifth in the world from number 10. The Tricolour has been unfurled on the moon, the Ram Temple has been built. Article 370 of the Constitution stands abrogated," he said.
The vaccine during the coronavirus pandemic was Modi's guarantee, he added. Scindia asked party workers to reach out to the voters of each booth with accomplishments of the "double-engine government" (BJP at the Centre and in MP). Scindia lost the 2019 polls from Guna as a Congress candidate. BJP's KP Yadav won.
Scindia interacted with workers of all 2,198 polling booths before wrapping up his two-day outreach tour. Scindia had quit the Congress along with several MLAs in March 2020, resulting in the collapse of the party's government in MP under Kamal Nath. "We are going to ensure Scindia loses the election at any cost. He is our number one political enemy like the BJP ideology, which is bent upon dividing the society," MP Congress media cell chief KK Mishra told PTI.
The polls in MP will be held in four phases, between April 19 and May 13. Guna will go to polls on May 7, while votes will be counted on June 4.