Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu): The Tamil Nadu police on Monday arrested five miscreants, who posing as Enforcement Directorate (ED) officers entered a business man's office and looted Rs 1.62 crore in Tiruppur. They also took away two luxury cars and two mobile phones.
The arrests were made on the basis of a complaint lodged by a cotton yard merchant of Tiruppu, Anguraj (52) and his partner Durai. The complainants told that they received a phone call from a contruction company in Hyderabad that claimed to set up projects in Coimbatore, Tiruppur, and Erode. The caller asked Anguraj to invest in the project promising lucratic returns within a very short time.
According to police, after getting the phone call, the two businessmen managed to arrange Rs 1.69 crore from their families and friends. Thereafter they sent a photograph of the cash to the caller as asked.
On January 30, a group of five men came to Anguraj's office claiming to be ED officers. On the pretext of conducting a raid, the miscreants caught hold of Rs 1.69 crore that had been kept aside along with two luxury cars worth Rs 20 lakh and two mobile phones of Rs 1.62 lakh.
They even retrieved the CCTV camera footage from the premises claiming it to be an evidence of the raid. Anguraj and his partner were directed to report at ED office for further questioning.
Later, when Anguraj and Durai arrived at the ED office, they realised that they had been duped and lodged a complaint at Tiruppur City police station. Following which, four special teams were set up to probe the case.
During the searches that were conducted, police intercepted the gang and recovered Rs 88 lakh in cash, two cars and mobiles from them. The accused have been identified as Vijay Karthick (37), Narendra Nath (45), Rajasekar (39), Loganathan (41) and Gopinath (46). They have been booked under charges of impersonation, fraud and theft, police said.
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