Bengaluru: In a tragic incident reported from Karnataka, a student died due to electrocution while charging his mobile phone in capital Bengaluru on Friday. The incident took place in Bengaluru's Manjunath Nagar under Basaveshwar police station. The deceased has been identified as Srinivas (24) hailing from Bidar district.
Srinivas, who was doing a software course in Bengaluru, lived in a PG (paying guest) in Manjunath Nagar. A police official said that on Friday night at around 8 o'clock Srinivas was in the room and had put his mobile phone on charge when he came in contact with a live wire and received an electric shock. His friend who was outside the room went inside after some time to call Srinivas for dinner and noticed that he was lying on the floor, police said. While trying to wake up Srinivas, his friend too was electrocuted. But he somehow escaped with his life as per police sources.
The PG staff immediately informed the Basaveshwar Nagar police station. The police reached the spot and sent the body to the hospital for post-mortem examination. Basaveshwar Nagar police station has registered a case of unnatural death into the incident while further proceedings into the case are going on.