Bahraich: A team of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) rescued a 17-year-old Nepalese girl from a suspected human trafficker here in Uttar Pradesh, officials said Tuesday. The girl was allegedly being trafficked to Bengaluru. The rescued girl was handed over to a Nepalese NGO, while the accused trafficker was handed over to Nepal Police, an official said.
Deputy Commandant of SSB's 42nd Battalion Dilip Kumar said, "Under 'Ops Alert,' which was issued in light of the Prayagraj Maha Kumbh, we have increased vigilance and operational preparedness at the India-Nepal border. Security checks have been intensified."
Kumar said that on Monday evening, SSB personnel intercepted the accused and the girl while they were boarding the Indo-Nepal Friendship Bus at the Rupaidiha Border Outpost (BOP). "Their behaviour appeared suspicious, and their responses during questioning were unsatisfactory, raising our suspicion further," he said.
The investigation revealed that the girl, from the Kalikot district in Nepal, was allegedly lured by 21-year-old Paras Bisht, also from Kalikot, with false promises of marriage and a job in Bengaluru. The two had connected through social media. Paras, who works in Bengaluru, allegedly persuaded the girl to leave home without informing her family and brought her to India.
Following counselling by NGO representatives, the girl was handed over to a Nepalese NGO in the presence of Nepal Police. This operation was conducted under the supervision of Acting Commandant Raj Ranjan of the 42nd Battalion.
In a recent high-level meeting between officials from both nations, enhanced surveillance and joint patrolling along the India-Nepal border were agreed upon to curb human trafficking and smuggling, particularly in light of the Maha Kumbh and upcoming Republic Day celebrations.