Saharanpur: A specially-abled teenager charred to death after her house in Badtala Yadgar Mohalla of the district caught fire due to a short circuit on Wednesday morning. The parents went for a morning walk when the incident happened and the restricted mobility of the victim barred her from running out of the blazing house or even shouting out for help from neighbours.
Despite a desperate bid by the locals to contain the fire, it kept spreading and the fire department had to be roped in to bring the blaze under control. The city magistrate took stock of the situation and ordered an investigation.
The parents -- Avnish Jain and Nidhi- are yet to come to terms with the reality. Avnish works as a computer operator while Nidhi is a lecturer at Digambar Jain Inter College. The couple has a son who studies in Bengaluru and a specially-abled daughter, 13-year-old Adhya, who lives with them.
The couple was out for a morning walk in Company Bagh on Wednesday morning when Avnish got the information about the fire in their house. Hearing this, they rushed to the spot and sought help from the neighbours to douse the raging fire. The fire brigade was also informed parallelly which sent a team of firefighters who contained the fire after a lot of struggle.
Adhya could not escape the fire and was charred alive as she was sleeping in the room during the incident. According to city magistrate, Gajendra Kumar, who reached the spot, the cause of the fire is said to be a short circuit and the incident is being thoroughly investigated.
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