Betul (Madhya Pradesh): At least 21 police and Home Guard personnel were injured when the bus carrying them overturned in Madhya Pradesh's Betul district in the wee hours of Saturday, an official said. These jawans were returning to their home district Rajgarh in the state after performing their election duty when the accident occurred near Baretha Ghat on the Bhopal-Betul highway, the official said.
The incident took place around 4 am, Sub Divisional Officer of Police (SDOP) Shalini Paraste said. "It happened when the bus carrying a total of 40 jawans, including five policemen and remaining home guard, was on its way to Rajgarh after their election duty in Chhindwara," she said.
Eight of the personnel who received serious injuries are being treated in the district hospital at Betul, while those with minor injuries are being treated in Shahpur hospital, the police official said. The incident took place when the bus swerved to avoid a truck that crossed its path, she said. Polling for the Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat was held on Friday.