Chittorgarh: Rajasthan's Shri Sanwariya Seth temple received a record amount of offerings in September worth Rs 19,45,43,400 and more than 95 kgs of gold and silver. The counting of the donation box was completed in five phases on Saturday, September 7.
The store of Lord Shri Sanwalia Seth was inaugurated on the last day of the Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi. As many as 197 grams of gold and 28 kg 180 grams of silver were deposited till September 7, officials said.
According to the temple's Administrative Officer II, Nandkishore Taylor, the Shri Sanwaliyaji Mandir Mandal gift room office received donations worth Rs 3,52,00,000 in the form of cash and money order. 123 grams 240 milligrams of gold and 67 kg 509 grams 500 milligrams of silver were also collected from store room.
According to Bhadsoda Gram Panchayat's Sarpanch Shambhu Lal Suthar, who is also a member of the temple board, the donation amount received from the storehouse is a record amount so far as it is the highest donation amount ever received from the storehouse.
Shri Sanwaliyaji Mandir Mandal Board Chairman Bherulal Gurjar, board members Sanjay Kumar Mandowara, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Bherulal Soni, Administrative Officer I, Deputy Tehsildar Ghanshyam Jarwal, Administrative Officer II Nandkishore Taylor, Temple Incharge Rajendra Sharma, Property and Security Incharge Bherugiri Goswami, Establishment Incharge Lehari Lal Gadri along with the employees of Mandir Mandal and regional banks were present during the counting of the fifth and final phase on Saturday.
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