Delhi: The Special Court of Delhi on Monday, December 9, convicted three people and a firm in connection with the allocation of coal blocks in Jharkhand in 2005. The Delhi Rouse Court convicted the Managing Director of Abhijeet Infrastructure Ltd, Manoj Kumar Jayaswal and its former director, Ramesh Kumar Jayaswal in a coal scam case related to the allocation of Brinda, Sisai, and Meral coal blocks in Jharkhand.
About The Case:
The CBI claimed in its 2016 case that the company had acquired the coal blocks by falsifying its financial status, the purchase of land for its intended end-use plant, and other relevant claims. According to the CBI, the Ministry of Steel's proposal for the distribution of the coal blocks was obtained through the use of forged documents.
The central agency had registered an investigation under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
CBI's Allegations:
The CBI alleged that Abhijeet Infrastructure Ltd's deception led the Ministry of Coal to allocate the coal blocks to the firm, following which the public exchequer had to face huge financial losses.
A statement by the central investigation bureau said that the forged documents were used to secure the recommendation of the Ministry of Steel, Government of India, for the allocation of the coal blocks.
In 2020, the Jayaswals and their firm were charged by the CBI with a number of criminal offences, including forgery, deceit, and criminal conspiracy. Special Judge Arun Bhardwaj found all three defendants guilty after a trial that included 74 documents and 38 witness statements. Despite convicting the three individuals, the sentence will be pronounced by the court at a later date.
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