Agra: As Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram Mandir in Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya, miscreants from a right-wing activists organised rally climbed atop a mosque and hoisted saffron flags, in Uttar Pradesh's Agra district, causing tension between the two communities, police said.
Soon after the incident, local youths from Muslim community gathered over and expressed their displeasure over the desecration act on the place of worship even as communal tensions also gripped the area. There were unconfirmed reports of stone pelting following the saffron flag hoisting incident.
Agra police mobilised the personnel from the local stations and took guard. The police also took steps to de-escalate the tension by holding talks with the Muslim youth who had gathered to protect the mosque.
The intervention by the police was timely and instrumental as it prevented any possible deterioration of law and order.
Tajganj police station in-charge Inspector Jasveer Singh said that the incident happened around 6 pm on Monday after the inauguration of the Ram Mandir. Singh said that a 'procession' was passing in the area when “some youths climbed the Shahi mosque and started waving the saffron flag”.
As soon as the information was received, the police also reached the spot, he said.
“The information about stone pelting is wrong. We have told the Muslim side that if they want action, they can give a written complaint. A search is being conducted for the people who climbed the mosque and waved the saffron flag. At present the situation is under control. Additional police force has been deployed on the spot,” Singh added.
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