Alwar: In a shocking case of sextortion reported from Rajasthan, a youth from Alwar district of the state extorted Rs 50,000 from a senior officer based in Maharashtra capital Mumbai by blackmailing him with an obscene video, police said on Monday. A joint team of Rajasthan Police and Mumbai Police has arrested the accused in the case.
Raini Police Officer Premlata Verma said that in a high profile case, Mumbai Police has arrested the accused Ashish Swami with the assistance of Raini Police. Verma said that a team of Mumbai Police arrived in Raini to nab the accused of sextortion. Accordingly, a team was formed and the accused was arrested.
According to Verma, the accuse Ashish Swami trapped a senior officer in Mumbai and made obscene calls to him by disguising as a girl. In the subsequent conversation between the two, the accused started blackmailing the officer and made him deposit Rs 50,000 in his bank account by threatening him to make the video viral.
The troubled victim lodged a complaint with the Mumbai Police in this regard. Following the complaint, the Mumbai Police swung into action and launched an investigation into the matter. During the subsequent investigation, police traced the number from which the officer received the threat calls, to Mewat area of Alwar. Accordingly, a team of Mumbai Police reached Alwar and with the help of Alwar Police, arrested the accused in the case. A police official said that the accused is a serial criminal and has cheated many people before as well.
Police have recovered many videos from the mobile phone of the accused.