Bundi: In a bizarre move, the Nagar Dhakad community in Rajasthan's Bundi has banned the entry of grooms with beards in the Akhil Nagarchal Dhakad Samaj 108 Village Adarsh mass marriage event to be held on May 16 in Palai, sources said.
The organisation has warned that if any groom reaches the marriage conference with a grown beard, then a fine of Rs 21,000 will be imposed on him. It is learnt that the decision has been taken in the meeting of Panch Patels held in the Hathila Hanuman Ji temple premises of Galwa Pete regarding the marriage conference.
Conference Committee General Secretary Babulal Dhakad and Media Incharge Shyoji Lal Dhakad said that in the meeting, special emphasis was laid on maximum registration of marriageable couples. People of 108 villages of Nagarchal expressed their views regarding the mass marriage conference, the office bearers said adding the last date for registration of couples participating in the marriage conference has been extended till May 8.
Fine For Bearded Grooms: The Conference Committee office bearers said that the groom will be allowed entry in the marriage conference only after shaving his beard. If the groom does not shave, a fine of Rs 21000 will be imposed by the conference committee, they said. The organistion did not explain the logic behind such a move. A barber will be arranged in the conference premises itself who will shave the groom who comes with a grown beard, they added. On behalf of the committee, Hiralal Nagar, Energy Minister, Rajasthan Government was invited by the officials of the committee to attend the mass marriage conference of Dhakad community.