Jaipur: A 40-year-old constable died here on Wednesday in Rajasthan's Sikar district after he accidentally shot himself in the head, police said. The incident took place when Harkishan Dhaka posted at the Ramgarh Sethan police station was about to leave for a raid in the morning, they added.
"The incident happened when the constable was about to go on a raid today morning. He was taking out a revolver from the storehouse when he shot himself by mistake. He sustained a bullet injury on his head, which led to his death," Ramgarh Sethan SHO Ramesh Chandra Meena said. Hearing the gunshot, another constable rushed and found the Harkishan dead on the floor, the SHO said.
Meena ruled out that this could be a case of suicide. The body was handed over to the deceased's family members after post-mortem, he added.