Jaipur: Ahead of the upcoming budget session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, the state government has taken a major step towards digitalisation with the entire proceedings throughout the session to be paperless courtesy the NeVA app.
The budget session of the Rajasthan assembly is scheduled to start from January 31. Reliable sources said that the Legislative Assembly will be completely digitized, as it will be operated under the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA). Under the said initiative, the departments will send answers to the questions asked by the members, attention motions, special mention motions, assurances and petitions online.
Vidhan Sabha digitized
Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani said that in this session, all the departments of the state government will have to send the answers to the questions sent by the Assembly online through the NeVA application. To make the functioning of the Assembly smooth and digital, on the instructions of Vasudev Devnani, a team of administrative and technical officers of the Legislative Assembly under the leadership of the Principal Secretary of the Legislative Assembly, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, gave online training to the officers and personnel of the Legislative Assembly cells operating in various departments of the Rajasthan Government to work on the NeVA application and answer questions and proposals etc. and information about their operation.
Apart from this, an I-pad has been installed on the seat of each MLA in the assembly auditorium, so that they can participate in the proceedings of the House through digital media. Necessary equipment has been arranged under the NeVA project to make the Assembly Secretariat completely paperless. Also, the working of NeVA Seva Kendra (e-learning and e-facilitation center) is also going on, which will provide digital help to the members of the House.
The software and applications used in the NeVA project are being used for the first time in all the departments and the Legislative Assembly in the state.
What Is NeVA?
According to the National e-Vidhan Application, NeVA is a work-flow system deployed on NIC Cloud, MeghRaj which helps the Chair of the House to conduct the proceedings of the House smoothly, Members to carry out their duties in the House efficiently and to conduct Legislative Business of the House in a Paperless manner.
NeVA is a device neutral and member centric application created to equip them to handle diverse House Business smartly by putting entire information regarding member contact details, rules of procedure, list of business, notices, bulletins, bills, starred/unstarred questions and answers, papers laid, committee reports etc. in their hand held devices/ tablets and equip all Legislatures/ Departments to handle it efficiently. NeVA will completely eliminate the process of sending out a notice/request for collection of data, the portal reads.
The project is aimed at saving lakhs of tons of paper and, in turn, save the felling of trees to realise the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Reportedly, 25 legislatures have signed MoUs to implement NeVA project while funding has been released to 22. 14 legislatures have implemented the NeVA project as on date.
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