Jalaun: In a shocking incident of sexual assault, a police constable of the Uttar Pradesh police has allegedly raped his female colleague in Jalaun district of the state leaving the Police Department red-faced.
Police have registered a case against the accused police constable following a complaint by the woman constable.
In the complaint lodged by the female constable with the concerned police station, the complainant has said that the accused constable identified as Karmaveer raped her several times and threatened to kill her when she tried to report the matter to the police.
The accused who is presently posted in the police line was posted to the female constable's place of posting where the alleged sexual assault is believed to have taken place.
The woman constable alleged in her complaint that constable Karmaveer raped her several times and whenever she tried to report the incident to the police, he threatened to kill her. After the transfer of accused constable Karmaveer, the woman constable complained about the incident to higher authorities, sources said.
Following the complaint of the woman constable, the police have registered the case and started action against the accused constable. SP Dr Iraj Raja said that the report has been registered and further action is being taken as per law.
The alleged rape of the female constable by her colleague has caused a stir in the police department and left the department red-faced.
The incident has also raised questions about the safety of women even in the Police Department, which is expected to safeguard women against sexual harassment.