Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Police on Monday arrested a couple, who kidnapped a three-month-old child after throwing chilli powder in the eyes of the kid's mother. The incident occurred on January 28 when the accused Muskaan Ahmed and Bakkar Ahmed attacked Mehak and absconded with her daughter near the Mandi area of Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh.
Police nabbed the kidnappers and after tracing CCTV footage and registered a case under 363 A of the Indian Penal Code. Police launched a probe to ensure the couple go behind the bars. The complaint was lodged by Mehak's husband Muttalib.
As per sources, the couple were not being able to afford a pregnancy due to the poor financial condition of their house located in the 62 Foota Road, so they hatched a plan and decided to kidnap Mehak's infant as they were extremely keen on adopting a girl child.
Muskaan and Bakkar met Mehak about two months ago and got close to her over the period of time. Their bond strengthened and Mehak started trusting them gradually. However, little did she know about the machination.
On the day of the incident, Bakkar and Muskaan came over to Mehak's house to meet them. Meanwhile, as Mehak was engaged in household chores, Muskaan managed to grab some chilli powder and threw it into the former's eyes, running away with the child.
After the child's father, Muttalib, registered a complaint, Superintendent of Police, Dehat spoke to Senior Superintendent of Police, Vipin Tada, who swung into action, formed a team to get hold of the kidnappers.
Tada instructed his team to ensure safe recovery of the child. Based on the footage and interrogation, the accused couple was arrested and the child was handed over to Mehak and Muttalib.
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