Mumbai (Maharashtra): The pilot of a helicopter was injured after it tilted during an attempted landing on a temporary helipad in Malad Maharashtra's Raigad district on Friday morning, a police official said. The chopper had arrived to pick up Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sushma Andhare for a public rally in connection with the ongoing Lok Sabha polls in Baramati when the mishap occurred.
The helicopter got tilted when the pilot tried to land on a temporary helipad at Mahad around 9.30 am, he said. The pilot suffered injuries while the helicopter's rotor blades got damaged in the incident, as per preliminary findings.
Two rallies are scheduled in Raigad, one in Malad and the next in Baramati. Andhare had come to Malad to attend the first rally and was scheduled to address the next rally in Baramati today. However, the campaign schedule was disrupted due to the incident.
"A rally was held at Mahad on Thursday. As our district head was attacked last night we had a late-night meeting here. After which, I was going to leave for Baramati at around 9 am. The helicopter was delayed by 15 minutes and even after it arrived, it kept making two to three rounds. Finally, when it landed, there was a huge noise and a cloud of dust covered us. The cause of the accident will be investigated by the police," Sushma Andhare said.
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