Chennai (Tamil Nadu): In a surprising turn of events, a single coconut has fetched a staggering amount of Rs 62,000 in an auction which was held at Arulmigu Valli Deivanai Sametha Balasubramaniar Temple in Tamil Nadu's Theni. This act by a couple at the Temple has captured the attention of worshippers.
Sources said that Palaniappan - Kavita Valliammai couple from Pudupatti near Ponnamaravathi, Pudukottai district bought this coconut during the 'Panguni Uthiram' festival, which started at this 350-year-old temple managed by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department.
Scores of devotees thronged the temple to take part in Thirukalyana Vaibavam, the marriage event for Valli and Lord Muruga on Sunday. During this event, coconuts offered at Thirumangalyam were also auctioned. The auction bid started at just Rs 5,000 and went up to Rs 62,000.
Witnesses said that this was a moment of pure devotion, as the man, driven by his faith and gratitude, made the generous contribution without hesitation. Beyond the monetary value, the couple's gesture carries profound spiritual meaning, resonating with worshippers who view it as a symbol of selflessness and devotion.
The coconut, a symbol of reverence in Hindu religious rituals, holds deep spiritual significance for devotees. It is often presented as an offering to express gratitude and seek blessings from the deities.
The funds collected from such offerings play a vital role in supporting the temple's various charitable initiatives, ranging from providing food and shelter to the underprivileged to supporting educational programs for children. Thus, the man's contribution not only enriches his own spiritual journey but also contributes to the welfare of the community at large.
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