Dhanbad: Union minister Chirag Paswan on Monday said in the last 10 years, more than 25 crore people have come out of the poverty line. On the last day of the Jharkhand assembly election campaign, the Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) national president addressed election rallies at the closed RSP College in Dhanbad's Jharia assembly seeking votes for BJP candidate Jharia Ragini Singh. In Karkend Nehru Park he urged the electors to vote for Dhanbad BJP candidate Raj Sinha.
Addressing the gathering in Jharia, Paswan said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has worked to give respect to every caste and every class. Every person has a huge income. This is PM Modi's gift. PM Modi has worked to strengthen the country's economy.
"Lord Shri Ram, who was sitting under a tent for 500 years, was placed inside the temple in Ayodhya for the first time by Modi. Those who say the Constitution will end, democracy will end. I want to ask them that it has been five and a half months and whose rights have been snatched and whose rights have ended. Which democracy has ended?" he said.
"We have to go door-to-door for our sister Ragini Singh. We have to appeal to the people to vote for her," he added.
At Dhanbad, he also targeted Congress and said, "Today they say there is a conspiracy to change the Constitution, where were they at that time? When the Emergency was imposed in 1975 the Constitution and democracy were murdered. I swear by the struggles of my father, Ram Vilas Paswan, that as long as Chirag Paswan is alive, neither there is any threat to reservation nor there is any threat to the Constitution".
He said if there is any threat, then are in danger from the leaders of such opposition parties. Our present is in danger and our future is also in danger. All the welfare schemes for the poor have been stopped. These people do not want any poor to join the mainstream. Opposition parties do not want the deprived people of society to come into the mainstream and earn respect.
He said Baba Saheb Ambedkar's picture was not allowed to be put up in the Parliament whereas pictures of three leaders of his family are put up in the Parliament.
"They have not allowed the picture of Lord Birsa Munda to be put up in the Parliament. Today when Prime Minister Narendra Modi organises Tribal Pride Day on the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda, they feel hurt," Pasawan said.
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