Bhubaneswar: Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Ollywood actress Varsha Priyadarshini joined Biju Janata dal (BJD) on Thursday. She was inducted into the BJD's fold in the presence of Rajya Sabha MP Sasmit Patra during a programme at Sankha Bhawan in Bhubaneswar. After joining actress Varsha Priyadarshini said, "I am a big fan of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik as he has a clean image have always inspired me. He believes less in words and more in deeds. I am grateful to him for allowing me to join BJD."
Varsha Priyadarshini is the wife of Kendrapara MP Anubhav Mohanty. A few months ago the couple legally parted ways after the Orissa High Court granted them divorce. More than 20 days ago, the actor-turned-politician MP Anubhav Mohanty (former husband of Varsha Priyadarshini) quit the BJD and joined the BJP.
Read more: Anubhav, Varsha Fined By Court For Delaying Proceedings Of Divorce Case