Bhubaneswar: In a jolt to the ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD), a day after quitting the ruling party, former Korei BJD MLA and Ollywood actor Akash Das Nayak joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday. Akash was elected from the Korei assembly segment in the Jajpur district of Odisha on a BJD ticket in 2014. He was also the chairman of the Mo College campaign of the state government.
After joining the saffron party, Akash Das said, “I joined the party for the all-round development of Odisha. People’s blessings will help me to win the election. I will prove what could I do for the people of Odisha.” The former BJD MLA resigned from the ruling party and sent his resignation letter to the party supremo and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday.
In his resignation letter, Das said that the party did not understand the value of his sacrifice, determination and hard work, which hurt him. Earlier on Saturday, film star and sitting Kendrapara MP Anubhav Mohanty tendered his resignation from the regional party ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha and Odisha Assembly elections and joined the BJP on Saturday. Mohanty said he was "feeling suffocated" in the party for over four years.
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