Patna (Bihar): Saurabh Kumar, a young Janata Dal United leader was shot dead by unidentified attackers in Bihar's Patna on Wednesday night. According to official sources, another person named Munmun Kumar also sustained injuries in the firing.
Police sources said that Saurabh Kumar, accompanied by his friends was coming back from a wedding celebration when four attackers riding a motorcycle fired shots at Kumar.
Kanhaiya Singh, SDPO, Punpun said, "Punpun's JDU leader and former Sakraicha Panchayat head candidate Saurav Kumar was shot dead by criminals in Badhiyakol on Wednesday night. Saurabh was shot five times by unidentified men while his friend Munmun was hit thrice."
Singh further said, "They were rushed to the hospital where Saurabh was declared brought dead by the doctors, while Munmun was admitted in critical condition. We are analysing the CCTV footage and collecting evidence. A probe is currently underway to nab the accused involved."
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