Kanpur: Civil Lines Police on Tuesday, August 13, announced a reward of Rs 25,000 each on the nine accused for attempting to grab Nazul land worth Rs 1,000 crore on July 28. The nine accused include Ali Abbas, Vincent Vikram, Sandeep Shukla, Arpan Ariel, Nouris Ariel, Kamla Ariel, Abhishek Ariel, Harendra Masih, and Jitesh Jha.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) East, Shravan Kumar Singh on Tuesday said that around three dozen people created ruckus by barging inside the premises and locking the rooms. On July 28, police had arrested 14 people including Kanpur Press Club President, Avneesh Dixit on allegations of misappropriation of government property.
DCP East Shravan Kumar Singh said that a reward has been announced to nab the nine criminals faster. "Police teams are continuously raiding multiple locations to catch the accused. We hope to nab all of them soon," he added.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Suraj Mishra has issued an order to send Dixit on a 10-day police remand, the DCP said. "Permission has been granted for police remand from August 14 to August 24. The DCP said, "The police will recover important evidence related to the case and will interrogate him in these 10 days."
Meanwhile, Kotwali police on Monday, August 12, arrested another accused Rahul Verma in this case and sent him behind bars. The DCP said that the land was leased for 99 years to the Women’s Union Missionary following which it was further leased to the United Fellowship of Christian Service.
"Two groups have a dispute regarding possession of the land which led to the attack on July 28 when Dixit and his men held the gateman hostage and took possession of the DVR of the cameras. When the rival group arrived at the location, Dixit and his associates threatened them," the DCP said.
The FIRs have been registered under 61(2) (criminal conspiracy), 74 (criminal force to any woman intending to outrage modesty), 127(2) (wrongful confinement), 191(2) (rioting), 308(5) (extortion), 310(2) (dacoity), 324(4) (mischief causes loss), 329(4) (house trespass), 351(2) (criminal intimidation), 352 (intentional insult) sections of the BNS (Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita) and under the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act.
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