Bijapur: In a major anti-Naxal operation ahead of the New Year, Bijapur police and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) have arrested three Naxalits from the Pamed police station area, including a Naxal, carrying a bounty of Rs one lakh, officials said on Monday.
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Sudeep Sarkar confirmed the arrests. The DSP said, "Under the anti-Maoist operation, the Bijapur police and CRPF conducted a joint search operation in the Dharamaram and Jidpalli areas of Pamed. During this operation, three Naxalites were apprehended from Jidpalli."
The arrested Naxals are Rambabu Punem, 25, the DKMS president, who carried Rs one lakh reward, Lakhma Madkami, 35, a militia deputy commander, and Hardma Madvi, 37, a militia commander.
DSP Sarkar highlighted their involvement in multiple criminal activities. "The arrested Maoists were part of the attack on the Chintawagu Central Reserve Police Camp. They were also responsible for the murder, kidnapping and robbery of a villager in Badshanpal on August 7, 2024," the official said.
The trio has been booked at the Pamed police station and sent to judicial custody.
Meanwhile, in a separate operation, a CRPF team from Chinnageluru recovered an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) near Tarrem Tekri. "The IED, planted on a footpath, was configured like a directional bomb with a pressure switch system," police sources said.
The Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) safely diffused the device, preventing potential harm.
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