Mumbai: In a shocking incident, a 21-year-old girl from Maharashtr's Mumbai has been allegedly drugged and raped by a man who she met on social media with the accused still at large nearly two weeks after the incident. The woman has shared her ordeal in her Instagram post after which the police have reportedly booked the accused under relevant sections of law.
In her social media post, the woman said that she went on a night out with the friend whom she met on social media, on January 13. The woman said that the accused forced her to drink excessive liquor due to which she had a blackout episode. "After some tequila shots, I became intoxicated, feeling anxious and alone at the party.
He insisted I drink more, and I had a blackout episode, not recalling what happened next," the woman said in the post. She said she woke up to “him raping me, and despite my efforts to stop him, he continued and even slapped me three times with intense rage, leaving me scared and intimidated”. The incident is believed to have happened at the house of the accused's friend.
The woman said she later narrated the incident to her cousin on the phone who picked her up from the place. Her parents, who came to know about the incident last week, lodged a police complaint against the accused and got a FIR registered into the incident.
The woman said that the accused is trying to get away with his apology saying that the "situation got heated up and escalated". She said that the police had failed to arrest the accused nearly two weeks after the FIR.