New Delhi : Congress MP Rahul Gandhi took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that the latter's guarantee on the job front has turned out to be an alarm bell for the hard-working youth in the country. Rahul Gandhi expressed concern that under the Modi-led BJP government at the Centre, a fraud has been perpetrated on the students hailing from ordinary families and working hard for 8 to 18 hours to achieve their big dreams.
In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the Congress former president demanded the prime minister to explain why only recruitment is being made only for 5,696 posts though there are lakhs of vacant posts in the Railways.
Expressing his serious concern, Rahul Gandhi said: "When every third youth of the country is a victim of unemployment, then the Prime Minister has once again betrayed them. This time the fraud is on those students who come from ordinary families and work hard for 18-18 hours, who live in small rented rooms and dream big. Where lakhs of posts are vacant in Railways, recruitment of only 5696 posts after waiting for 5 years is injustice to the competitive students."
The Congress MP sought explanation from the Centre as to benefit whom that the policy of reducing recruitment in Railways being pursued. Where is the promise of 2 crore jobs every year? he asked. "Where is the assurance of not privatizing the railways? One thing is very clear – Modi's guarantee is an alarm bell for the youth. We have to raise our voice for their rights and justice for them," he said.
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