Ludhiana: A heartbreaking accident occurred during Jagran (a night-long vigil) held as part of Navratri festivities in Ludhiana when a pandal collapsed, claiming two lives. The incident disrupted the atmosphere of devotion, as strong winds and a storm caused the grill to fall, injuring over a dozen people, many of whom were children.
The accident took place near the Sikh Gobind Godam Temple where the congregation was engaged in offering prayers to the Goddess. Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind caused the grill to collapse, leading to panic among the crowd. All injured were shifted to a nearby hospital with two reported to be in serious condition. The police arrived to facilitate the evacuation of the injured.
In the wake of this tragedy, the Temple Committee has expressed their condolences. As Navratri begins, devotees hold 'Jagran at beautifully decorated pandals where they sing bhajans in honour of the Goddess.