Shravasti: In a shocking incident driven by superstition, a 7-year-old boy was strangled to death in the Shravasti district by his neighbour, Deepu, who acted on the advice of a self-proclaimed tantrik. The police have arrested the accused and are currently searching for the alleged tantrik. The incident occurred in Chheda village, Begumpura, under Hardattnagar Girant police station.
According to Santosh Kumar, Circle Officer of Bhinga, Deepu confessed to the crime during interrogation. "Deepu, who was married three years ago, was troubled by his inability to have children," Kumar said.
"His wife suffered two miscarriages, leaving the couple distressed. Seeking a solution, Deepu consulted a tantrik who claimed his neighbours were performing some rituals against him," Kumar added.
Kumar further said, "Under the influence of the Tantrik's claims, Deepu became suspicious of his neighbours, Melaram and Poonam, who had allegedly teased him about not having children. Consumed by anger and frustration, Deepu lured their son to his shop on December 10, offering him snacks. He then took the boy to his pigeon pea field and strangled him to death."
"The accused was arrested within 24 hours near a private bus stop in Ummedpurwa. We have deployed a police team to locate the alleged tantrik, who appears to be on the run," Kumar added.
"Superstition and blind faith continue to ruin lives. This heinous crime underscores the urgent need for awareness and education to combat such beliefs," a senior police officer said. The investigation is ongoing, and police vow to bring the tantrik to justice.
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