Pune: Maharashtra BJP MLC Yogesh Tilekar's uncle was allegedly abducted and murdered by unidentified persons in Pune district, a police official said. The victim, Satish Wagh (55), was bundled into an SUV near Shewalwadi Chowk in Hadapsar area of Pune city by four to five persons on Monday when he was out for a morning walk, prompting police to form several teams to trace him.
In the evening, Wagh was found murdered near Yavat on the Pune-Solapur Highway in the district, around 40 kilometres from the spot he was abducted, Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil said. "There were multiple injuries on the body. Several teams have fanned out to nab the accused. A team was at the spot to conduct panchnama," Patil said.
Earlier Monday, a police official said Tilekar's family did not receive any call for ransom nor had they raised suspicion on anyone. Wagh was interested in farming and owned a hotel near Shewalwadi, as per police sources.
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