Rohtas (Bihar): Following Govinda and Kangana Ranaut, another prominent actor has set his foot in politics, ahead of the Lok Sabha Election, 2024, commencing April 19. Actor Pawan Singh from the Bhojpuri film industry declared on Wednesday, April 10, that he will run for the Lok Sabha in 2024 from Karakat in Bihar.
Singh was handed a ticket by the BJP to run in the Asansol constituency in West Bengal, however shortly after the announcement of the ticket, Singh declared he would fight the polls from Asansol.
Although after rejecting the BJP ticket, he later posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he would contest the elections, but did not clarify from which seat he would contest.
While posting on social media X, he had said "I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Bharatiya Janata Party. The party trusted me and declared me as the candidate from Asansol, but due to some reason, I will not be able to contest the elections from Asansol."
In such a situation, the BJP fielded SS Ahluwalia from the Asansol seat.
He finally confirmed and announced that he would contest elections not from Asansol in West Bengal but from the Karakat Lok Sabha seat in Bihar. However, he has not specified from which party he will contest the elections.
Singh, who hails from Arrah, posted on X, 'I had promised my mother that I will contest the elections this time. I have decided that I will contest the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Karakat, Bihar. Hail mother Goddess.'
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