Kota (Rajasthan): Rajasthan Congress chief Govind Singh Dotasara on Saturday said that Lower House Speaker Om Birla, who is BJP's candidate from Kota-Bundi Lok Sabha seat had cancelled Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha membership and so should be defeated. Congress has fielded BJP rebel Prahlad Gunjal against Birla.
After holding a rally for Gunjal, Dotasara held a meeting near the Circuit House. Addressing the meeting, he said, "The person who cancelled the membership of our leader Rahul Gandhi will not be allowed to reach the Parliament. This is the right opportunity to defeat such a person and take revenge. Om Birla had cancelled the membership of 150 of our MPs and passed 18 laws in a single day. This was an undemocratic act aimed at destroying the democracy. He can't be spared."
Rajasthan Pradesh Congress in-charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa said, "Gunjal has become a Congressman and is contesting the elections as our candidate. By winning from here, he will now raise the voice of Congress in the Parliament."
Randhawa slammed the BJP for seizing the accounts of the party saying it can never seize votes from Congress. "Our notes can be seized but not our votes. The number of people attending this rally clearly shows that the atmosphere is in favour of Congress and Gunjal will represent Kota-Bundi in Delhi," he added.
Addressing the gathering, senior leader Shanti Dhariwal alleged that Birla has always lied to the public. When Birla became an MLA for the first time, he opened a medicine bank in MBS Hospital and some people got medicines but nobody knows when it vanished, he said.
"He kept talking about bringing tigers to Mukundhara, but did nothing to implement his words. He never opposed shifting of IIT from Kota to Jodhpur. His government has been at the Centre for 10 years and Birla has also been a public representative. But he did not do anything new for people," Dhariwal alleged.
Gunjan said he joined the Congress after quitting the BJP and has become a Congressman. "The candidate contesting against me is a very powerful person. An attempt was made to make me bow down before him but Gunjal would never bow before anyone. He can bow only before God," he said.
"I do not accept slavery. I challenge the mighty Om Birla. All the institutions in Kota have been captured. The situation in BJP is such that if you want position and prestige, you will have to put photos of Birla's brothers on your forehead," he said.
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