Thiruvananthapuram: Union Minister Suresh Gopi has intervened in the case of two Thrissur natives, Jain and Binil, who are trapped in Russia under distressing circumstances. The families of the two men approached Suresh Gopi after learning that their loved ones had been lured to Russia by agents on the pretext of employment but were instead sent to the war front.
Upon receiving the families' complaint, Suresh Gopi acted promptly. He confirmed that he had contacted the Indian embassy and sent a letter, requesting urgent assistance for the release of trapped persons, who are working in the Russian Military Support Service. The Union Minister clarified that he is awaiting a response from the embassy regarding the matter.
The two men, both holders of ITI mechanical diplomas, had traveled to Russia on April 4 for work as electricians and plumbers. However, upon arrival, their Indian passports were confiscated, and they were subsequently deployed to the war zone. Binil's wife, Joisy, explained that the men had been promised a monthly salary of Rs 2 lakh for their work, but they are yet to receive any payment. Despite their ongoing hardship, they have not been able to send any money home, further intensifying their families' concerns.
Anxious family members are now looking for every possible avenue to ensure the safe return of Jain and Binil. They expressed their thankfulness to Suresh Gopi for his intervention and hoped that breakthrough would be achieved in this regard.