Bengaluru: In a sensational twist to the murder of a woman believed to have been killed by her minor son in Karnataka capital Bengaluru, police have said that the victim's husband was also involved in the murder after two different fingerprints were found on the weapon of the crime, sources said. The murder has taken place under KR Puram police station limits.
During the investigation, the police after arresting the minor came to know that his father was also involved in the murder. Sources said that the revelation was made after two different fingerprints were found on the iron rod used for the crime, and it was found that the father and son had committed the crime together.
Following the revelation, police arrested the accused Chandrappan in the case, an official said. The murder took place on Feb 2, in a house under KR Pura police station limits. Police said that the son had called the police station saying that he had killed his mother Netravati (40) with a rod during a quarrel over breakfast.
Later the son was taken into custody by the police. However, during the forensic investigation, two types of fingerprints were found on the rod used for the murder. Suspicious of this, the police intensified the investigation. When the rod was sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), it was found that the fingerprints of the father and son were on the rod.
Nethra's husband Chandrappa was immediately arrested by the police. During the interrogation, the accused Chandrappan revealed the reason for his wife's murder. He said that his wife Netra, who had an extra-marital affair and a habit of drinking alcohol, sometimes did not come home for two or three days. If questioned, she used to argue with them, Chandrappan said adding he decided to kill her along with his son.
Police said that the minor son had put this charge on himself to protect his father. After confirming that Netra was dead, Chandrappan fled from the spot, while the minor son surrendered to the police, the investigation revealed.