Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday deferred the hearing on a petition filed by senior BJP leader BS Yediyurappa seeking to quash a case registered him under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act for alleged sexual assault of a minor girl last year. During the hearing by Justice M Nagaprasanna, the CID submitted evidences, including video footage and a Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) report.
The court extended interim orders granting bail to Yediyurappa and exempted him from personal appearances before the trial court. Further proceedings are scheduled for January 17. The allegations stem from a March 2024 complaint accusing the BJP leader of molesting a 17-year-old girl at his Bengaluru residence in February.
The victim’s mother, who initially made accusations, died from lung cancer in May 2024. Citing police inaction, the victim's brother later filed a petition seeking Yediyurappa's arrest and further investigation.