Jhansi: In the aftermath of the tragic fire on November 18 that engulfed the NICU ward of Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College and Hospital snuffing lives out of 10 newborns instantaneously and eight in the fire-related complications later, Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak, who also holds responsibility of the health department, has stripped principal Dr Narendra Singh Sagar of his post and attached him to the directorate general of Medical Education Department.
Pathak said a probe by the Jhansi divisional commissioner has been ordered on the role of the head of the paediatrics department, Dr Om Shankar Chaurasia, and in-charge of the electrical department in the matter.
Pathak had instructed the principal secretary of the medical education department to form a four-member committee under the chairmanship of the director general to probe the incident in detail. He said the Uttar Pradesh government is very sensitive about the heartbreaking incident that happened in the medical college.
Based on the report of the four-member committee, constituted on the instructions of Pathak to dig deeper into the negligence of the hospital staff, Sagar has been removed, officials said.
"Based on the committee's investigation, college principal Dr Narendra Singh Sengar has been removed from the post. He has been attached to the directorate general of the Medical Education Department," an official said.
The department has also given charge sheets to all those against whom action has been taken. In this charges against them are elaborated and they will have to come up with their replies to the department, he said. Chief medical superintendent Dr Sachin Mahur is among those given chargesheets.
Along with Sagar, three officers have been suspended. They are junior engineer (electricity) Sanjeet Kumar, NICU sister-in-charge Sandhya Rai and chief superintendent Dr Sunita Rathore.
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