Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh): The Income Tax Department on Friday seized Rs 4.5 crores after raids on the premises of a Kanpur-based tobacco company, sources confirmed. Authorities also found a number of high-end vehicles in the Delhi residence of the business's owner, including a Rolls-Royce Phantom, McLaren, Lamborghini, and Ferrari, all valued at over 60 crores.
The authorities are looking into the bank transactions and property records of this businessman KK Mishra, popularly known as Munna Mishra.
The department launched raids on the owner of Banshidhar Tobacco Company in Kanpur. Similar searches were carried out by 15 to 20 teams in five states, including Delhi, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh, on the properties of individuals connected to the corporation.
As per sources, the tobacco company issued fake cheques to several companies mentioned in its accounts while supplying products to other suppliers. The tobacco industry, which provides raw materials to other businesses, is accused by the Income Tax Department of widespread tax and GST evasion.
From the businessman's residence, authorities also retrieved expensive motorcycles. The last four numbers on the bike's license plate match those on one of his high-end vehicles. Mishra's business is almost 100 years old and he also has an office in Nayaganj.
Mobile phones of the employees were confiscated by the police, and paper as well as digital documents were seized.
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