Alipurduar (West Bengal): In a first, satellite phones will be used during the Lok Sabha elections. The Election Commission is set to use satellite phones to stay updated about the polling news from the remote Buxa hills of Alipurduar Lok Sabha constituency. There are 36 booths in the mobile shadow zone in Alipurduar Lok Sabha constituency where there is hardly any mobile network.
Out of the 36 low-coverage booths, there is no network in three booths in Buxa hills. The Election Commission has decided to use satellite phones to monitor the situation there. This aimed at curbing problems in contacting the poll workers or knowing the percentage of votes cast on the day of polling on April 19.
In that regard, even though the police and forest department have RT mobile sets, it has been decided to use satellite phones for better coverage. The mobile shadow zone booths are located adjacent to the Buxa Tiger Project forest and in the inaccessible hilly areas of Buxa.
The three booths in Buxa hills--Adama, Chunavati and Buxa--are not covered by the mobile network. These three booths are located at an altitude of 2,800 feet above sea level in the Buxa hills.
A total of 780 people will vote at BFP School in Buxa Dooars. As many as 461 people will vote in Adama Forest Basti Primary School. Voters from Tasigao, Adama, Sadar Bazar, Daragao and Lepchakha villages will vote in these three polling stations.
Buxa hills are the only inaccessible hilly areas among Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar and Cooch Behar Lok Sabha constituencies. Here the poll workers would have to trek to get to the polling stations.
As a result, remaining updated about the percentage of votes in time is also a challenge for the Commission. According to sources, the Election Commission is trying to do webcasting, too, in these booths. All sounds coming from and around the polling station will be recorded. But no video can be seen directly. Sources revealed that satellite phones will be used in the three booths, which did not have the network.
Alipurduar District Magistrate R Vimala said, "There are Adma, Chunavati and Buxa booths in Buxa hills. Voters have to trek there to vote. There is no other option. Also, there are over 30 booths with mobile phones in the shadow zone. There the web camp recording will be done. There won't be any live coverage though. But the recording will be on for the entire duration. Also, we will use RTC satellite phones to get news and information about the poll workers."
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