Chunchura: In a unique and grand gesture, a goat named Raja became the star of the evening as his owners celebrated his birthday with unparalleled enthusiasm. The event, held at Bunokalitala Balipukur in Chunchura, West Bengal, featured a festive feast, a cake-cutting ceremony, and a gathering of over a hundred guests.
The host, Bablu Orao, a local fisherman, adopted Raja, a male goat, a year ago after rescuing him from being sacrificed. Since then, Raja has been treated as part of the family. To commemorate a year of companionship, Bablu decided to throw a birthday bash for his beloved goat.
Bablu shared, "Raja is not just a goat to us, he is family. He has been with us for a year now, and this celebration was our way of expressing our love and gratitude."
The celebrations were nothing short of extravagant. The house was adorned with balloons and garlands of lights, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. Raja himself was dressed for the occasion in a red shirt and a hat.
The celebrations were nothing short of extravagant. The house was adorned with balloons and garlands of lights, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. Raja himself was dressed for the occasion in a red shirt and hat. Guests, friends, and neighbours gathered as a special cake was cut, part of which was even offered to Raja.
Prosenjit Chatterjee, a close friend of Bablu, who helped organise the event, remarked, "Many people celebrate their pets's birthdays. we decided to do the same for Raja. The decorations, cake, and feast reflect the bond Bablu shares with his goat."
The feast, which became the highlight of the evening, included an elaborate menu of rice, vegetables, pulses, chips, chicken curry, chutney, pappad, and sweets. Despite their modest means, Bablu and his wife managed to organise the celebration with warmth and generosity.
Raja's birthday has left a lasting impression on the community. Many attendees appreciated the unique celebration, noting how it symbolised the deep connection humans can have with animals. As Bablu summed up, "Raja is our king, and today, he was treated like one."
This unconventional celebration not only brought joy to the Orao family but also showcased how love and creativity can turn the simplest occasions into unforgettable memories.