Ballia (Uttar Pradesh): A class-11 student was allegedly molested by three individuals in Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia, police officials said on Friday. The incident took place about 100 meters before Jagdara Chatti of Pakdi police station area at around 4 pm on Thursday, they said.
The 14-year-old girl was returning from school, when the accused molested her and when she protested, they beat her up and dragged her into the canal, police said.
The student was badly injured. When people reached the spot on hearing the student's screams, the accused fled. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and admitted the student to the Community Health Center, Khejuri for treatment. The victim was later referred to the district hospital, they added.
The Station House Officer (SHO) said that the matter is under cognisance. The treatment of the victim is going on in the district hospital and her condition is currently normal, he said. The family members and police are present on the spot.
On the basis of the complaint filed by the family members, action will be taken, police said. Three teams have been formed under the leadership of the Circle Officer to identify and arrest the three unidentified accused. Officials said that the accused will be arrested soon.
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