New Delhi: An 83-year-old woman was killed and her granddaughter sustained several injuries after a fire broke out in two flats of an apartment in southwest Delhi's Dwarka on Wednesday, said police. The deceased was identified as Jasuri Devi, and the injured as 30-year-old Pooja Pant.
Jasuri Devi and her granddaughter, Pooja, present in the flat got trapped in the fire following which they jumped off the fourth floor of the residential building. The cause of the fire was said to be a short circuit.
On receiving the information about the incident around 12:30 pm, four fire tenders and more than 20 fire personnel including Assistant Divisional Officer Udayveer reached the spot and brought the fire under control within 40 minutes, a fire officer said. People nearby spread mattresses on the ground. After which the elderly woman and her daughter jumped and tried to save their lives. Both were rushed to a nearby hospital, where the old woman was declared dead due to serious head injuries, while her granddaughter's condition is said to be stable, he said.
"We collected details about his house to know if any other person was still inside the house. We have started further investigation into the matter. Both Pooja and Jasuri Devi jumped from the fourth floor which is around 40 feet above the ground," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) Ankit Singh said.
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