Bengaluru: Bengaluru police have filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar and B R Naidu from Congress social media cell for alleged provocative and fake posts on social media on BJP leaders, officials said on Monday.
The FIR has been filed under IPC Sections 153(A) (promoting enmity between different groups), 504 (intentional insult, giving provocation), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 464 (making of false document), at the High Grounds police station here, police said.
The Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) court here in February had ordered the Bengaluru police to file a FIR. The court directed the police to carry out a probe following a complaint by Yogendra Hodaghatta, a former secretary of BJP Legal Cell. The BJP leaders had participated in a demonstration against the arrest of Srikanth Pujari, a kar sevak, who had taken part in the 1992 Babri mosque demolition agitation.
The BJP demonstrators held placards which read: "I'm also a Kar Sevak, arrest me too." The Congress IT Cell allegedly morphed the writing on the placards making it look like a confessional statement of scams and other irregularities and posted them on social media. The same was shared from the social media handle of Shivakumar, also the Karnataka Congress chief.