Hapur/Lucknow: Three separate accidents led to the tragic deaths of four individuals, including a student in Haour and Lucknow. In the first incident, a speeding car heading from Hapur to Ghaziabad struck a bike rider and a pedestrian near Chandi Mandir on National Highway 9 on Thursday night. According to the police, "The car first hit Rahul Saini (32), a biker from Sarvodaya Nagar, while attempting a U-turn. Then, the car trampled Jhonny, a resident of New Arya Nagar, dragging him for about 200 meters." Both men were rushed to the hospital, but were declared dead after treatment.
The car driver fled the scene after the accident, leaving the vehicle behind. The police, including Circle Officer (CO) Anita Chauhan and Kotwali in-charge Raghuraj Singh, arrived at the site promptly. Chauhan confirmed, "The car has been taken into custody, and the CCTV footage is being reviewed to track down the driver, who will be arrested soon."
Following the incident, the families of the victims attempted to block the highway, but police forces from nearby stations managed to pacify the protesters.
In a separate incident in Lucknow, a student Kartikeya Maurya (14), was crushed by a dumper while waiting for his classmate near his house in the Bijnor police station area. Inspector Arvind Kumar Rana stated, "The boy was standing on the roadside when the dumper hit him. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition but died soon after."
The driver fled the scene, but was later caught by locals. After the incident, the boy's family and villagers blocked Bijnor Road, demanding compensation and road safety measures. Additionally, in Dubagga, a high-speed container hit a stationary truck, killing its driver, Ghan Singh from Rajasthan. The police confirmed the truck driver died at the scene while the container driver was injured and undergoing treatment.
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