Jammu: A man allegedly under the influence of liquor, killed his mother-in-law and injured his wife and sister-in-law with a sharp-edged weapon at Kiya village of block Kulwanta of Ramnagar in district Udhampur. Suresh Kumar, a labourer, who works outside, had an argument followed by a fight with his wife and in-laws, which later on turned out to be fatal.
The deceased was identified as Shanti Devi whereas the injured were identified as Lalita Devi (Kumar's wife) and Anju Devi (Sister-in-law). Disclosing details, Sub-District Police Officer (SDPO) Ramnagar Manjeet Singh told ETV Bharat that the accused had been arrested following the crime.
"Suresh Kumar was in an inebriated condition and had gone to his in-laws' residence to bring his wife, who had been there for over 20 days. An argument ensued between Kumar and others over some family issues and he allegedly attacked his mother-in-law to death with a sharp-edged weapon and injured his wife and sister-in-law," the SDPO said.
He informed that the incident occurred before midnight and the police reached the village around 1.30 am today. "The accused was immediately taken into custody and a case was registered in the police station Ramnagar," Singh said.
The village is situated around 22 kilometres from Ramnagar on a hilltop and it took some time for the police to reach the village. The police launched an investigation into the incident.
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