Bharatpur: As Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on Thursday released the result for the prestigious Indian Economic Service (IES) examination 2023, son of an Electronic store owner from Rajasthan's Bharatpur district has topped the examination after confining himself to a room for eight months to qualify the examination he was passionate about.
Nischal Mittal, resident of Bayana town of Bharatpur district, has brought glory to the entire district and state by topping the All India examination. Nischal's father runs an electronic item shop in Bayana Kasba. Nischal currently works as an authorized officer in a Swiss bank in Mumbai. While preparing for the main examination of the IES, Nischal did not leave the house for eight months to crack the exam.
Over his preference for the IES, Nischal said he had special interest in economics since college time. Therefore, he studied a Masters degree in Economics from Delhi School of Economics. After qualifying NET, JRF, he joined Swiss Bank of Mumbai as an Authorized Officer. Along with the job, kept preparing for UPSC IES exam, he said.
Nischal said that if there is faith in the mind then no goal is difficult. “I studied with better time management along with my job and studied regularly with the help of group studies and online content and today achieved success with the blessings of parents,” the IES topper said. Nischal's father Shashi Mittal runs an electronic item shop in Bayana town.
Nischal's mother Kusum is a housewife. Father Shashi Mittal said that Nischal did his education till 10th class from Bayana town and studied 11th and 12th from Rudawal school and then graduated from Maharaja College, Jaipur. Shashi Mittal said that during the preparation for the main examination of IES, Nischal neither came out of the house nor went to any wedding ceremony for eight months.
“He studied hard and finally tasted success,” the senior Mittal said. On Thursday, UPSC released the results of IES and ISS exams 2023. While Mittal topped IES 2023, Nikhil Sindh has topped the UPSC ISS exam. The UPSC's IES exam is being highly rated among the Economics students with a mere 18 aspirants cracking the prestigious examination of 2023.