Jashpur Nagar (Chhattisgarh): On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, a banquet was hosted for the children of Balak Ashram School in the Bagiya district where the CM distributed food items and spent quality time with the kids. He also made a plea to his colleagues to celebrate their birthdays and anniversaries at local schools, ashrams, hostels and distribute food items there.
The CM organised this event on his birthday and fed children at this ashram to strengthen the reach of the 'Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Yojana' in the state. He not only distributed sweets among the little ones who were excited, but also advised them to study diligently.
He then shared the story of Lord Satyanarayan with the children and later performed a special prayer with his wife, Kaushalya Devi, at his residence. The children also wished CM Sai by reciting a poetry and then later cut a cake together. The CM was seen feeding the children and gifting them sports equipment like cricket kit, badminton, volleyball etc.
Padma Shri Jageshwar Yadav was also present on this occasion. The CM said, "I have received blessings from people across the country including the President, Vice President and Prime Minister. It has been a tradition at my home to listen to the story of Satyanarayan ji every year on this day."
Any person or community can organise a banquet in government schools on any special occasion under this scheme and feed children or distribute food items, he said. "This invitation meal is not be a substitute for the mid-day meal provided in schools," he added.
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