Gadina: In Gadina, the native village of SP MLA Atul Pradhan from the Sardhana constituency, escalating tensions between the two communities led to a violent clash involving stone-pelting and gunfire, said the police. The altercation, reportedly triggered by a local dispute, intensified as members from both sides attacked one another, resulting in injuries to more than 12 people, the police added. Immediately, the police deployed more personnel in the village on the orders of local officials to restore and maintain peace.
The following night, the situation took a disturbing turn when a group of miscreants targeted a policeman’s parked bike, setting it ablaze. Local residents assisted police in dousing the flames, but by the time the fire was controlled, the bike was charred. Footage of the burning vehicle was later shared widely on social media, drawing widespread attention and concern.
The incident has left many villagers angered and frustrated, with several alleging that political influence may be hindering the police from taking decisive action against those responsible for the violence. Some local residents voiced suspicions that authorities were reluctant to arrest the main culprits, despite growing unrest and calls for justice within the community.
In response, SP Rural Rakesh Mishra clarified that police had indeed taken steps to manage the situation, including the deployment of officers to keep the peace after the initial altercation.
According to Mishra, the inspector whose bike was torched had been on duty in the village, and the police have since detained a suspect believed to be behind the arson. Mishra emphasised that strict action would be taken against the individual responsible and assured the public that measures are in place to address any further escalations.