Jagdalpur: In a horrific incident reported from Chhattisgarh, an infant girl allegedly born out of an illicit relationship was recovered alive from a rathole after being buried alive by her mother in Jagdalpur district of Bastar division of Chhattisgarh, sources said on Wednesday. The incident has come to light at Tokapal village of Kodenar area of Jagdalpur.
Local sources said that the incident came to light after a village sarpanch was passing through the area and heard the cries of an infant. As the village head tried to trace the sound of the cries, he was led to a rat-hole where the newborn girl had been buried alive by covering the hole with mud! The village head raised a hue and cry and rushed to the village with the girl.
Local sources said that the newborn girl was found alive and was immediately rushed to the Dimrapala Health Centre. An official said that the condition of the baby girl is stable and she is out of danger. In the meantime, the local police launched an investigation to trace the parents of the girl. An official said that preliminary investigation revealed that the girl was born to an unmarried woman whose partner refused to accept the child.
During interrogation, the woman told the police that she was compelled to take the dreadful step after her partner refused to own the child. It was not immediately known whether the accused has been arrested by the police. Further details into the case are awaited.