Raigarh: A tragic incident unfolded in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh district, where a youth, son of Deputy Collector, drowned in the Tipakhol Dam. The deceased has been identified as 25-year-old Joy Lakra, son of Deputy Collector Ajay Lakra, officials said.
Officials revealed that Joy was pursuing his education in Delhi and had returned to Chhattisgarh during his holidays. On Tuesday, he visited Raigarh with friends for an outing. While enjoying a picnic near the Tipakhol Dam, tragedy struck at around 8:30 p.m. when Joy suddenly fell into the dam’s waters, they added.
Search Operation Initiated
Upon receiving the information, local police and a rescue team were dispatched to the site. “A search operation was initiated immediately but was called off late at night as Joy could not be located,” said officials.
The rescue operation resumed early Wednesday morning. Divers from the rescue team combed the waters, and after several hours of search, Joy’s body was fished out from the dam.
Family Mourns
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community. The family, especially the parents, are devastated by the grave loss. Joy’s father, Ajay Lakra, is serving as a Deputy Collector, while his mother, Anita Lakra, is a teacher at Jindal School. Legal formalities surrounding the incident are currently underway.
Meanwhile, authorities have urged citizens to remain cautious around water bodies, particularly during recreational activities, to prevent such unfortunate incidents.
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