Raipur: In a welcome announcement ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Friday said there will be a 4 per cent increase in Dearness Allowance (DA) for government officials in the state.
Hailing 'Modi Ki Guarantee' (Modi's guarantee), the chief minister said the promise of procuring 21 quintals of paddy at Rs 3,100 per quintal has been fulfilled. "PM Modi guaranteed the formation of a five-member committee that will review the demands and problems of contractual workers," he said.
Speaking on the 'Mahtari Bandhan Yojana', the CM said on March 10, women across the state received a combined Rs 655 crore in their accounts, adding, "In the coming days, every woman will receive Rs 1,000 per month in their accounts."
Earlier in the day, CM Sai participated in a grassroots election campaign by personally visiting neighbourhoods and interacting with residents, as well as meeting individuals who have benefitted from different central schemes and initiatives in Raipur. The chief minister also interacted with locals in Raipur, lending a patient audience to their issues and grievances.
The interaction was aimed not only at assessing the state's progress across development parameters but also at gaining insight from the beneficiaries of central schemes at the ground level. Speaking to media persons, he said, "We decided to meet all beneficiaries (of central schemes), not just in the state but all over the country, today. Even PM Narendra Modi is meeting the beneficiaries. The feedback is very positive and people are very happy with our schemes."
"We are here to work for the people and will continue doing so," he added. The Chhattisgarh CM said earlier that efforts to take the state to new heights were underway, in line with Prime Minister Modi's guarantees.
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