Kota: The construction of Rajasthan's longest bridge on the Chambal River near Kota, which started a year ago, has seen only 25 per cent progress so far. The bridge, spanning 1,880 metres, is being built between Jharel, Khatauli and Khandar on the border of Kota and Sawai Madhopur districts. Although the original deadline for completion is September 2025, officials now anticipate the project may be extended to 2026 due to site-specific challenges.
Executive engineer Naresh Chaudhary revealed that significant work remains. "Out of 46 pillars, only 18 have been completed, and 36 out of 46 piles are ready. Land acquisition funds have been disbursed, covering 3.95 hectares in Etawah and 2.55 hectares in Khandar. Approximately 25 per cent of the work has been completed," he said.
The delay is attributed to seasonal flooding caused by water released from the Kota Barrage and tributary rivers, which submerges the construction site for four months during the rainy season. "Construction work is possible only during winter and summer, but girder and span work has continued in the rainy season," explained Rajesh Kumar Soni, superintending engineer, PWD Kota. "If needed, we will request an extension to the construction deadline," he added.
The bridge's foundation stone was laid on September 30, 2022, by former MLA Ramnarayan Meena, with construction commencing in December. The project, sanctioned at Rs 165 crore, is being built with Rs 111 crore, while the remaining funds are allocated for land acquisition and forest department work.
Once completed, the bridge will offer significant connectivity benefits. "It will link Kota with Madhya Pradesh and Sawai Madhopur, making travel to Kota from Baran via Etawah and Khatauli easier. Over 10 lakh people will benefit, especially during the rainy season, when water often submerges the current Jharel bridge," said an official.